Rumors flying all around that Google are going to follow the Apple way by launching a phone themselves. The rumors of the Apple iPhone are heard everywhere and Google too think that this could be a productive area. Orange are at the forefront in teaming up with the search engine giant to produce a Google-branded phone.
The best part about the Googlephone if and when released would be the applications and services offered. Since Google is at the centre of great and useful apps like Google earth, Maps, Gmail, Calendar, Spreadsheets and more coupling these with a Smart phone could be a clincher in my opinion. The word out is the phone will be manufactured by HTC, but this opens out another doubt. The HTC phones are all powered by the Microsoft Windows Mobile Operating System and would they be willing to turn to Linux or a open source OS.
Looking at the fact that the services offered by Google are already coming loading on newer phones with whom they have a tie-up, a phone of their own could not be too far away.